Tuesday 15 October 2013

Improve Retail Execution Management with Mobile CRM

It is very crucial for the consumer goods companies to observe what happens to their consumer goods products after they are delivered to stores, but before they reach the consumers cart. And it is very surprising that some consumer goods manufacturers have little to no information or control over how their products are displayed in retail stores. Moreover, these consumer goods organizations even spend a huge amount of time and money to carefully plan promotions for their products but again they fail to keep an eye on how well their carefully planned promotions are executed in the retail stores.

The consumer goods organizations are required to gather these in-store observations, but while doing so, they would normally face challenges like: delays in getting information from the field or expensive third-party services that provide such information, inefficient retail audit processes and inaccurate audit analytics.

Some consumer goods manufacturers have missed opportunities to make sure their products are available, visible, and presentable to shoppers where they make their buying decisions, resulting in lost revenue.

Fortunately mobile apps have proved to be a game-changer, making data collection in retail stores more accessible and cost-effective than ever before; and help for a successful retail execution.

It reduces the over-all cost of in-store surveys as printing, distributing or re-publishing the survey forms would not be required. The sales reps will use customizable mobile forms and workflow applications that integrate with existing data stores. Moreover, this will also improve the field efficiency of the sales rep. The real-time data also helps in automate reporting to identify trends by various criteria.

Improve your Retail Execution Management with Mobile CRM
Retail Execution Management gets more easy & effective with Mobile CRM

Urgent issues like out-of-stocks can be tackled easily by sending automatic notifications. The robust mobile crm solutions also help in managing the sales force in a more efficient way by tracking their work done within the same system. The top most advantage is this mobile crm solution can be deployed over multiple platforms like iOS, Android and Windows 8 while deliver a standardized retail audit report across territories.

Simply put, it helps to enable field force efficiency, gain more visibility at the store and over all it is adaptable to fit your current as well as future needs. Moreover, you can measure, understand and drive activity with actionable analytics making it a proper fit for all the retail execution requirements in today’s time.

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